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Peer-Reviewed Articles


Orozco, Maria, and Shana Harris. 2023. "Psilocybin and the Meaning Response: Exploring the Healing Process in a Retreat Setting in Jamaica." Anthropology of Consciousness 34(1): 130-160.


Bartholomew, Tyler S., Barbara Andraka-Christou, Rachel  K. Totaram, Shana Harris, Susanne Doblecki-Lewis, Lily Ostrer, David P. Serota, David W. Forrest, Teresa A. Chueng, Edward Suarez, and Hansel E. Tookes. 2022. "'We Want Everything in a One-Stop Shop': Acceptability and Feasibility of PrEP and Buprenorphine Implementation with Mobile Syringe Services for Black People Who Inject Drugs." Harm Reduction Journal 19: 133.


Andraka-Christou, Barbara, Thuy Nguyen, Shana Harris, Danielle N. Atkins, Rachel Totaram, Olivia Golan, Andriy Koval, and Jody Madeira. 2022. "Harm Reduction Policy Support Among Students at Two U.S. Universities." Substance Use & Misuse 57(8):  1185-1195.


Harris, Shana, and Allison Schlosser. 2021. "At the Intersection of Harm Reduction and COVID-19: The Role of Anthropologists During and Post-Pandemic." Human Organization 80(4): 272-281.


Harris, Shana. 2021. "Possessing Drugs, Possessing Rights: Harm Reduction and Drug Policy Reform in Argentina." Contemporary Drug Problems 48(3): 260-275


Andraka-Christou, Barbara, Thuy Nguyen, Shana Harris, Jody Madeira, Rachel Totaram, Olivia Randall-Kosich, and Danielle Atkins. 2021. "A Pilot Study of U.S. College Students' 12-Step Orientation and Its Relationship with Medications for Opioid Use Disorder." Journal of American College Health 70(8): 2383-2391.


Schlosser, Allison, and Shana Harris. 2020. "Care During COVID: Drug Use, Harm Reduction, and Intimacy During a Global Pandemic." International Journal of Drug Policy 83: Article 102896.


Andraka-Christou, Barbara, Thuy Nguyen, Shana Harris, Jody Madeira, Rachel Totaram, Olivia Randall-Kosich, Danielle Atkins, and Jason Ford. 2020. "College Students' Perceived Knowledge of and Perceived Helpfulness of Treatments for Opioid Use Disorder at Two American Universities." American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 46(5): 589-603.


Harris, Shana. 2019. "Narrating the Unspeakable: Making Sense of Psychedelic Experiences in Drug Treatment." Journal of Extreme Anthropology 3(2): 116-140.


Manzano, Russell Rice, Joanna Mishtal, and Shana Harris. 2018. "The Effect of Second Reception Center Practices on Refugee Experiences in Sicily." Human Organization 77(2): 79-89.


Mateu-Gelabert, Pedro, Shana Harris, Dedsy Berbesi, Ángel María Segura Cardona, Liliana Patricia Montoya Vélez, Inés Elvira Mejía Motta, Lauren Jessell, Honoria Guarino, and Samuel R. Friedman. 2016. "Heroin Use and Injection Risk Behaviors in Colombia: Implications for HIV/AIDS Prevention." Substance Use & Misuse 51(2): 230-240.


Harris, Shana. 2015. "To Be Free and Normal: Addiction, Governance, and the Therapeutics of Buprenorphine." Medical Anthropology Quarterly 29(4): 512-530.


Harris, Shana, Valentina Nikulina, Camila Gelpí-Acosta, Cory Morton, Valerie Newsome, Alana Gunn, Heidi Hoefinger, Ross Aikins, Vivian Smith, Victoria Barry, and Martin J. Downing, Jr. 2015. "Prescription Drug Diversion: Predictors of Illicit Acquisition and Redistribution in Three U.S. Metropolitan Areas." AIMS Public Health 2(4): 762-783.


Barker, Judith C., Shana L. Harris, and Jo E. Dyer. 2007. "Experiences of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) Ingestion: A Focus Group Study." Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 39(2): 115-129.

Book Chapters

At What Cost_edited_edited_edited_edited.png

Rossi, Diana, Shana Harris, and Marcela Vitarelli-Batista. 2009. "The Impacts of the Drug War in Latin America and the Caribbean." In At What Cost? HIV and Human Rights Consequences of the Global "War on Drugs," 111-138. New York: Open Society Institute.

Book Reviews


Harris, Shana. 2024. Review of "Ayahuasca as Liquid Divinity: An Ontological Approach" by André van der Braak. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 38(4): 518-520.


Harris, Shana. 2020. Review of "A War on People: Drug User Politics and a New Ethics of Community" by Jarrett Zigon. Journal of Extreme Anthropology 3(2): 180-183.


Harris, Shana. 2019. Review of "Domesticating Organ Transplant: Familial Sacrifice and National Aspiration in Mexico," by Megan Crowley-Matoka.  Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 24(1): 284-286.

Digital Publications


Harris, Shana. 2020. "Traveling for Treatment: Psychedelics and Addiction Care in Mexico." Society for Cultural Anthropology Hot Spots Series: The Psychedelic Revival, 21 July.


Harris, Shana, and Joanna Mishtal.  2014. “The Long and Short of It: Preparing Conference Papers for Discussants.” Anthropology News 55(3): e86-e94.


Harris, Shana. 2012. "Debating Decriminalization in Argentina: Past, Present, Future." Points: Joint Blog of the Alcohol & Drugs History Society and the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 11 May.


Harris, Shana. 2012. "Road to Reform: An Introduction to Decriminalization in Latin America." Points: Joint Blog of the Alcohol & Drugs History Society and the American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, 4 May.

Educational Materials


Simmons, Janie, Alexander Walley, Sharon Stancliff, Maya Doe-Simkins, Sara Jencke, Sonali Rajan, Nabil El Sanadi, Todd LeDuc, Michael Dailey, Caroline Baptista, Magdalena Del Angel, Shana Harris, and Michael Grabinski. 2014. "Computer-Based Training Module on Opioid Overdose Prevention for First Responders."

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